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Problems of bluetooth connection 5.0 version - how to Extend range of bluetooth

Problems of Bluetooth connection 5.0 version - how to Extend the range of Bluetooth

In the last version, 4.2 Bluetooth has less bandwidth but in new version 5.0 bandwidth has been double. The previous version 4.2 can share data only 1mbps but in the new version, Bluetooth can share data 2 Mbps. Bluetooth 5.0 version first time used in Samsung S8 and S8+. Our all equipment is used Bluetooth 4.2 the version which is less data transfer rate and low speed. 

Bluetooth 5.0 Version

Now we used Bluetooth 5.0 to increase data rate transfer. If we increase Bluetooth speed we go to devise manager, their type to ports and select Bluetooth port and go to its properties (make sure your Bluetooth is connected and install perfectly). So here how to do easily done. 

bluetooth 5.0

First time use Bluetooth in Mobile Phone

First time Bluetooth used in erosion mobile phone in this mobile phone speed of share data very slow. Which is difficult to use for communicating with each other. Now in this version, Bluetooth has become very fast than the previous version. In this Bluetooth speed of data rate are highly increase than the previous version. This version is a very highly useable in-home appliance like fans, lights and another short-range thing. 

How to Bleutooth Range Extend?

Bluetooth is used for short-range distance. In this purpose, we connected all home appliances to a Bluetooth device on a smartphone. In our purpose, we switch extra light, fans and another thing which is not needed in our home. Bluetooth also used in IoT (internet of things). Where short-range is used. First Bluetooth uses infrared rays which is difficult to share data one device to another device. Which is slow to share data with each other? 

First Time Use Bluetooth

Now Bluetooth uses radio wave frequency which is better than infrared rays. Infrared rays are dangers for human life and produce cancer in the human body. But radio wave frequency is also dangers but less produce frequency. Which is no difficult to human life and body? Bluetooth is a high speed, low power microwave wireless technology, which is design to connect phones and other portable equipment together with little distance. The distance of data transmission is small in companies to other modes of communication. 

Bluetooth Technology

This technology removes cable, adopter’s electronics media. In the last version Bluetooth 4.2 has less range to share data with each other but later Bluetooth has become 4time increase. Range of Bluetooth is highly effective for the user because the previous version range is short system is connected to each other only if there are nearby. Otherwise, the system is not connected in this way user is easily connected to each other. 

New Version Range of Bluetooth

The new version of Bluetooth is wide area distance about 500meter to connected devices. If in the way some solid things then the range will be change. Indoors side range is about 10 meter. This is increase by the required user. Bluetooth 5.0 is low energy wireless technology. Previous Bluetooth uses high energy which is a difficult human being. Which is dangerous to the human being. Pervious Bluetooth use infrared rays which are creating cancer? Now Bluetooth uses radio wave frequency which is also difficult but less harm than the in farad rays. 

More than two device Connect

In the beginning, Bluetooth devices can connect only one device to communicate. Now in the latest version Bluetooth can connect one or more devices at a time. Which is easy to the user they can easily connect one or more devices at a time for communication. Which is a better feature than the last version? For user easily send data one or many other devices. 

More than two device Connect

Bluetooth Grouping

In this version, the user can also create a group or many groups for communication, business purpose and other more.

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