, pub-9642538525640344, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Design and Architecture of bluetooth chat app for android


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Design and Architecture of bluetooth chat app for android


The Bluetooth is a wireless technology which frees from cable or wire. First time Bluetooth use Adhoc network which is connected to another device. Bluetooth used radio waves which is baseband link control devices to connect each other. It is also called link manager. Link manager working to manage both devices which communicate with each other. Link manager is also called security manager which is securing our data. Logic link control and adaption protocol which is connected to software to hardware. It is also called a bridge between software and hardware. It is work on cable replacement method. It also provides connection TCP/IP protocol. It is connectionless for UDP. Bluetooth use radio frequency communication. 

system architecture

When we share file radio frequency use which is most important for Bluetooth. TCS uses a bit-oriented protocol. OBEX is used only for file sharing purpose. Bluetooth defines two types of a network of Piconet and scatter net. A Bluetooth network is called a Piconet or a small net. A Piconet can have up to 8 stations one of which is called primary, the rest are called secondary’s. All the secondary’s stations synchronize their clocks and hopping sequence with a primary. Not that a Pico can have only one primary station the communication between the primary and secondary can be one to one and one too many.

Architecture Design Approach

A Piconet is a central device which is connected to some subsystem. A Piconet is also called PAN network. Pico net can connect more than two devices. Pico net creates nodes with the other devices. Pico net is also called master and its nodes are called a slave. Pico net maximum connected seven sub-nodes. Pico net can connect difference nodes like smart, system, and pc etc. Pico net provides more area to communicate. It also provides more devices to communicate.

architecture design approach

Scatter Net

The combination of Piconet is in which overlapping area is called Scatter net. Scatter is larger than Pico net because the combination of Piconet produces Scatter net. Scatter has using java language. Using scatter we can increase the range of Bluetooth because one Piconet can connect seven devices but scatter net minimum connected fourteen devices. In this way, the range of Bluetooth increases double. Scatter net is using for searching development. The connectivity of scattering net is a physical device. Some company create a scatter net to the social network.

scatter net use for bluetooth chat app

Architecture Design

In this diagram, we are connected to admin and have to permission our user in which have to connect for communication with each other.

architecture design

Subsystem Architecture

Bluetooth Admin
Allow permission
E-Mail Id
Profile Image


Forgot password


Users are created s according to the ability to register in this app to communicate which each other. User can connect admin than two other. The user can easily send, communicate and see of another user as to in friend list. The user can send, receive message data and files from the other. The user can communicate only to send and receive request code as a verification method. The user can accept the pair request code seen and give a feedback response to the user as a connect form.


The user can send a request to admin for permission to connect the other device. The admin can verification with a valid email and password than allow connect each other for communication. The user responsible own account with email and password or profile image. The user can even respond to share data with another user.


Low energy
Database storage
Shortest calling
High processor
Screen depends on the system
Less memory


The user can communicate at a time one device or more than one device. The previous version cannot connect more than one device. In the current version, 5.0 is too connected with multiple devices. In this way, the user can easily communicate more than one device.


Unique Id
Phone. No
Profile image
Colorful Font style


SQLite database
Offline communication
Without wire technology
Without any network


First of all, user can interact with this application and create a personal account valid username and password than to verify email id than to connect the admin for registration. The admin checks out his valid email password than allow permission with this app. If the admin does not found this user email, password than to notify that the user can send a request with valid email and password. The admin allows permission then to communicate with other users.


The users can easily understand this application and fully responsive to communicate for each other. Users can easily understand buttons, image and layout of the application.

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